aftrART Archive

Creating resources, sharing experiences and increasing accessibility in the arts.

Active from Fall 2016 to Winter 2018, aftrART was a website and YouTube channel dedicated to helping artists understand the practical side of pursuing creativity and the arts. Supported in part by Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art’s 2016 GOOD ‘N PLENTY Artist Award, Amanda produced helpful videos, blog posts and podcast episodes to about professional development for student and early-career artists.

With nearly 150K YouTube views and hundreds of monthly blog post visits, aftrART proudly serves as a resource for new artists both in and outside of the classroom to this day.

Whether you’ve just discovered your passion for art, you’re unsure of how to apply your art education to real-world situations, or need some inspiration to get back to work, aftrART was developed to provide resources that help artists find success, however they choose to define it.